
UNLEASH: A new program to strengthen innovation

At Six Construct we learn from the past, take up a pioneer role in the present and at the same time have our eyes set on the future. Six Construct will remain competitive by offering new unique services that cater to the evolving needs of the market. To that end, Six Construct launched its own Innovation Program “Unleash”.

Our new innovation program "Unleash" encourages innovation through collaboration, which is one of the core values of our group.

Stijn Dhoore
Project Manager, Six Construct

Unleashing employee potential

The environment in which we operate is changing faster than ever, and with it: our industry. Globalization, ecological changes, new technologies and new business models are some of the main drivers of this change. To keep up with the pace of expectations of our markets and customers we need to change the way we develop and launch new products and services.

Six Construct has jumped to the next curve with its « UNLEASH » innovation initiative. Following our « Dare Change » campaign and « Triple 3 » target, we are continually looking for new ways to further develop our creative and innovative spirit. How? By creating a culture where our employees are encouraged to bring forward their ideas and put them into practice.

Swift process

Employees are given the opportunity to submit their ideas on the Unleash portal which are then reviewed by a team of Innovation ambassadors. Ideas that pass the review can go into a development phase where Inventor Teams can further develop and enrich them. Others might get selected for implementation straight away, as they are relatively simple to perform and require less time and energy than the previous ones. In the final stage, the best ideas are pitched to the Innovation Board, who selects and rewards the winning ideas.

A catalyst platform

In order to manage these ideas efficiently, the Group selected the CogniStreamer platform. This platform encourages innovation through collaboration. It supports us in submitting and generating new ideas, providing rapid feedback, sharing info and releasing current “hidden” innovation at Group level.

Innovation through collaboration

UNLEASH is not an isolated initiative. Six Construct has always been innovative and will continue to promote innovation which can actively help us reach our objectives. But if innovation has often been concentrated internally under the seal of industrial secrecy, today the model is evolving and moving towards more collaboration and partnerships. Our subsidiaries lead by example: Franki Foundations and West Construct created BeWind, offering a one-stop shop solution for windmill foundations, Socogetra worked on an innovative program for concrete waste recuperation.

This evolution is orienting us towards a wider ecosystem, which will allow Six Construct and its partners to enrich each other, create synergies and approach innovation in another way.

If you would like to receive more information, to participate in this initiative or to join our network of partners do not hesitate to contact us :

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